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Dear Readers,

2023 was a remarkable year. Partly on account of our anniversary celebrations, but above all thanks to the superb performance of our individual divisions: we closed out a record year in vehicle production, while powertrain manufacturing also achieved exceptional results, repeating the high production figures of the previous year. We were also able to attract new clients for our products and services from the Volkswagen Group, due in part to our newly established subsidiary, Audi Hungaria Ahead. Meanwhile, we are paying considerable attention to dedicating the creative potential of our team to our Next Level strategy, many elements of which have already been implemented. We are expecting further significant results in 2024. This is a success shared by all 12,000 colleagues; their expertise, flexibility and passion allow us to look forward to the major challenges ahead with confidence. Personally speaking, it was always my desire to leave a track record like this behind me on the day I passed the baton to my successor. My wish has been granted, and I am certain Michael Breme will also have countless fantastic achievements to celebrate at Audi Hungaria.

Alfons Dintner,
Chairman of the Board of Management
of AUDI HUNGARIA Zrt. to 31 January 2024

I wish to thank Alfons Dintner for passing the baton so seamlessly. I have been handed a company operating at peak performance, one he put his heart and soul into. New, competence-based services for our customers worldwide, the dynamic expansion of electric drive manufacturing and our transformation into a multi-brand site: these achievements will be forever a credit to his name. At the same time, we will continue to focus on enhancing our ability to tackle future challenges. CUPRA Terramar production will begin soon, while our team is installing the first production equipment for the manufacture of MEBeco drives – two projects that will help shape our future. But they are not the only ones! Today, the entire world is defined by innovation; our digitally connected systems, electromobility, and the path towards even greater sustainability. In addition to this, we are placing increasing emphasis on ESG in order to become still more important partners to the Volkswagen Group brands and manufacturing sites. Every essential prerequisite has been met on our part: flexibility, efficiency and the performance capabilities of a fantastic team.

Michael Breme,
Chairman of the Board of Management
of AUDI HUNGARIA Zrt. from 1 February 2024

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